Is a self- taught artist whose work is grounded in a rich tapestry of cultural heritage and spiritual exploration. As a first-generation American of Cuban descent, Ariel’s art is a reflection of the diverse influences that have shaped his identity.

With each brushstroke, He embark on a journey of creation, seeking to capture the essence of the divine and the limitless possibilities it represents. What sets Ariel’s work apart is not only its visual appeal but also its tactile dimension, a result of his innovative raised technique developed in response to Ariel’s mother losing her eyesight in 2017.

Drawing inspiration from the works of Jasper Johns, Max Ernst, Paul Klee, and Marc Chagall, Ariel blends various styles and techniques to create a unique artistic narrative. Their influence infused Ariel’s art with depth, resonance as he navigate the intersection of symbolism, color, emotion and spirituality.

.Ariel takes his canvas as a sacred space where he can feel and communicate with the great divine, channeling inspiration and allowing it to flow through the hands into a tangible form. Each piece is a dialogue with the Creator, an attempt to capture a glimpse of the ineffable and share it with the world. As Ariel continues to evolve as an artist and as a man, the mission remains steadfast - to be a vessel for divine inspiration and to offer a visual journey that leads viewers towards contemplation and a recognition of the infinite possibilities that exist within.

Ariel’s works has been exhibited at Art Basel Miami, New York, Bulgaria Costa Rica, Mexico.

Ariel’s mother experienced Ariel’s painting for the first time after loosing her eye sight.

“My Creative intention is always to create works not only to be experienced by one’s eye but to also be felt by one’s soul.”

- Ariel Basso